Pangolin Artwork using Pistachio shells


Pangolins are the most heavily trafficked mammals around the world. Peculiar isn’t it? With an armoured shell resembling dragon scales, you’d think pangolins were formidable creatures. 

Their keratin scales, an evolutionary marvel to combat predatory advances stand defenceless against mankind. Marketed as a be-all and end-all of Chinese Medicine, pangolin scales have no medicinal value and yet remains as a target to fuel baseless beliefs. While pangolin meat is consumed as bush meat in Africa, this holds contrary in China and Vietnam where pangolin meat is considered a delicacy. These shy solitary animals are poached extensively in Asia and Africa, with a pangolin death occurring every 5 minutes.
Picture a room with  10 people. What are the chances of someone in that room not knowing what a Giant Panda is? The odds are pretty low, now try asking if anyone hasn’t seen images or heard of the pangolin. Perhaps because the panda appears to be furry, cuddly and possess a mellow demeanour but despite efforts to rescue pangolins, the public still knows little about the scaly creature.
Inspired by the versatility of the pistachio shells, from diy projects to generating bio gas and bio-oil, it sets us thinking about what goes into the trash bin. Thus, we decided to recycle them!
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