

Hi there!
Welcome to our blog.
We understand that information is the new commodity.We hope to provide valuable information to spread awareness and introduce slice of life moments.That includes featuring food, art and our adventures.

The food featured are recipes we have tried and tested. Look out for more themed food items coming your way! They might just get your tummy rumbling!~

On a more serious note, we strongly believe in wildlife conservation and feel that animal welfare is pivotal. We are aware that simply saying it won’t make a difference.Thus, this page is also a platform where we wish to spread awareness of organisations which aid animals and how our experiences can help others take the first step to make a difference.

Hedgehog artwork using spaghetti


Additionally, we wish to also draw attention to sustainability efforts and the alarming rate of environmental degradation.



Crocodile Nacho Artwork featuring Dundy , a rescued crocodile from Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand.

How do we intend to create awareness of our causes?
The artworks posted will feature many animals which are often exploited due to human greed and we wish to change that a little at a time. To prove that everyone can make a difference, we will set a budget of $5 to produce each artwork; it is possible if you set your mind to it and it is a challenge to make use of what is available to you. From everyday items to kitchen cupboard essentials, the possibilities are only limited but your imagination.

Join us on our journey where we explore the unknown. From upcoming events to travel experiences and unconventional activities, we will try to provide the best tips and a fair view. Don’t expect us to sugarcoat anything though!

Feel free to drop us a message if you have any suggestions and we might just feature it! Do note that it has to be feasible!

Thanks for viewing our blog!