Ghost Nets of The Ocean

Mankind has stopped at nothing to pillage what Mother Earth has to offer. Unfortunately, human greed has an insatiable appetite for marine life. From over consumption of Blue Fin Tuna to Marine Turtles, Asia alone consumes two-thirds of the global fish catch. It’s also a known fact that Singapore is one of the largest consumers of shark fins. We speak of ocean conservation but in this bourgeois society, who would have time for such matters?

The truth is … we never really value what we have until it’s gone. More often than not, we take things for granted because we always think that the consequences would only take effect after our time.

The month of June commemorates World Ocean Day (8 June) and  World Sea Turtle Day (16 June).

We constantly find ourselves ruminating on the negativity  human influence has on the environment. Perhaps, we should adopt a more positive approach to the subject. Speaking of which, there is an ongoing exhibition in the Asian Civilizations Museum: Ghost Nets of The Ocean where ocean waste is recycled by indigenous and non-indigenous artists from Erub Arts on Darnley Island, Torres Strait, Australia to get their message across.

Through the use of woven sculptures made from ocean waste such as abandoned fish nets and plastics, artists from Erub Island aim to raise awareness for ocean conservation. The sea also holds the key to the livelihood of people around the world and this green project elucidates the bond people share with the ocean.

Unfortunately, some nets used for fishing may be lost or deliberately  discarded to minimize expenses on proper disposal. Such Ghost Nets  often catch marine organisms including sea turtles, fish, sea snakes, sharks and even dugongs!

Over 700 million people depend on fishing as their bread and butter in response to the increasing human population and its demand for seafood. The higher demand would give rise to bigger nets in order to reap more profits. However, not all marine life caught are the intentional catch of the day. Bycatch occurs because nets also confine everything larger than the net mesh. When this happens, the more marine animals attempt to free themselves, the more entangled they will be in the traps.

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16 June may commemorate World Sea Turtle Day but are you aware that every year, the incidental capture of sea turtles can go up to 47 million? Sea turtles are also at risk when they find ghost nets or plastics drifting in the ocean as such materials can often be mistaken for food. Whenever a sea turtle is entangled in a ghost net , they become more vulnerable to predators due to the impaired physical mobility it imposes.


In order to reduce this phenomenon, fishermen have modified their fishing gear to ensure that fewer non-targeted species are caught. This way, bycatch mortalities would be significantly reduced. These modifications are also often economical and easy to implement making it a sustainable solution across many countries. As a collective community, beach clean-ups are also carried out to reduce litter that may be hazardous to marine life. It may take a long time to turn things around but every little effort that goes into ocean conservation counts!

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Ever wondered where our seafood comes from?

Can you guess where our latest impromptu escapade led us to?

Last Saturday, while the rest of Singapore fell into a deep slumber, we went to our usual haunt for supper. Greedy as we were, we overate and knew for sure we would not be able to fall back to sleep. That’s when a crazy idea popped into our minds. Why don’t we travel to Jurong to find out where fishmongers get the catch of the day?

We questioned our spontaneity as we hopped into the cab at 1 AM. What were we doing at such an ungodly hour, you might ask. Well, we wanted to see for ourselves how Jurong Fishery Port operates!

Nowadays, we are so accustomed to buying our weekly groceries from supermarkets we have no idea where the food we purchase really comes from. Maybe it’s time to step out of our comfort zone, by recognizing the efforts put into food production and reducing food wastage. After all, you’re sure to learn a thing or two by observing how the seafood supply chain operates. Don’t take our word for it, go see it for yourself!

*Do note that you can head up the stairs to the overhead connector for a panoramic view of the wet market. Remember to bring your Identification Card as you will need it for entry into the port. Make sure to head down between 1 AM to 3:30 AM as most of the activity takes place during those hours. Lastly, do wear proper footwear as the floor can be slippery!*

Till next time!

Have you ever wondered how salt is produced?

Do you know where salt  comes from? Salt is often taken for granted because we view it as a cheap commodity in our lives. It is a seasoning that is so readily available we can get it from any supermarket.

You’ve probably seen pictures of salt cones in newspapers or perhaps National Geographic articles but do you know where salt comes from? Surprisingly, not many people do!

Salt Farm along Highway 35.

Procuring salt is a long and arduous proposition, heavily dependent on the location. As you may have guessed, one of the methods employed to obtain salt is by the evaporation sea water. That’s why we were headed for Huahin! Known for it’s fancy beaches and laid-back lifestyle, Huahin is the place to go if you desire a seaside escapade. Not to mention, it’s beaches provide salt farmers with the opportunity to extract this essential mineral from large water bodies.

How to get there

The car ride from Bangkok to Hua Hin takes about 3 hours but fret not! There are food establishments along the highway and plenty of restrooms so your bladder does not have to withstand the test of time. Alternatively,  there is an option of taking a  4 to 5 hour train ride  from Hua Lamphong railway station in Bangkok to Hua Hin railway station.

For this trip, we booked a cab with  the Hua Hin Cab company and we were rather impressed with their services as they were patient when responding to our concerns. Our initial fears included having a driver who was not well versed in the English language because this could escalate to serious miscommunication as we certainly could not speak in their native tongue. Thankfully, we were assured that their drivers were able to converse in basic English, ridding us of the fear that we would be stranded in a foreign land. For those wondering, the cost of commute from Bangkok to Hua Hin would be 1900 THB where each pit stop at an attraction would cost an additional 300 THB. 

In order to beat the traffic, we requested to be picked up in the wee hours of the morning. Can you guess what time it was? 5 AM! That’s the price you have to pay if you want to catch the sunrise. We did have some trouble waking up because it was just way too early. Driven to exhaustion, we constantly dozed off in the cab. Looking back, it was no easy feat either for Mr Peter,  our driver.

We did however rediscover the allure of Bangkok’s streets. We were mesmerized by the glow from the streetlamps, the empty pathways-revealing its worn down crevices and the rare tranquility of the bustling city.

Salt Pan

*Please note that visits to salt pans are not open to the public. Our lovely driver spoke to the salt farmer and interceded on our behalf for entry into the salt pan. If you’re planning to venture into the salt farms, make sure you’re ready for your shoes to get dirty!*

Many thanks to Mr Peter and the salt farmer!

The fairy floss skies mirrored against their reflections made waking up early worth it. By the time we reached the salt farms, it was close to 6.10AM. You could easily spend hours gazing at the passing birds and immerse in the tranquility of it all.

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The best time to visit the salt pans would be the dry season, which runs from the month of March through June. The salt farmers control pipes that pump in saltwater filling the salt pans; and with careful monitoring, the salt water is left to evaporate revealing salt crystals. 

Salt crystals on a wooden board.

These salt farms are separated into primary and secondary basins. The first saltern acts as the concentrating pond from which seawater is pumped into. As for the secondary basin, it is too concentrated and salty to support any wildlife. That’s where the salt is crystallized into tiny cubes. We actually found a dead crustacean in the middle of a salt pan and we’re guessing it couldn’t survive living in such briny waters.

A salt encrusted crustacean all ready for the oven. Just kidding!
Salt deposits collecting at the edges.

It could take days for the water to evaporate naturally  from the vast salt pans. While I didn’t get to see workers raking salt into little piles, I was rewarded with the sunrise emerging from the fluffy clouds. You don’t always get to see such breathtaking ombré hues everywhere you go!

Concentrating ponds; where the seawater is filtered into the crystallization ponds.


Do you know that regular table salt is mined from salt deposits that are present in the rocky under layers of the Earth’s surface? These salt deposits are what’s left of old waterways that have dried up. The rock salt could be extracted using dynamites or hydraulic mining where copious amounts of water is pumped below the Earth’s surface to dissolve the salt and pumped back up to be evaporated. Salt that has been extracted via dynamites tend to retain their mineral content and are not free from impurities. On the other hand, salt produced from hydraulic mining is purified and striped of its minerals and contaminants and treated with anti-caking substances and iodine. While this method is more economical and yields higher returns, it is said that sea salt is superior in taste.


A quick walk along the rows of soil revealed lots of finds.



We were also informed that the green shrubbery nestled alongside the salt pans were edible and tasted delectable in soups. However, the red ones were deemed as poisonous. It’s amazing that these plants are able to survive in such conditions despite the salinity of the water being so high!

The minerals present in sea salt adds to the flavor and color of the salt just like how the Himalayan sea salt is pink rather than white. Although sea salt seems to be a better flavor enhancer than table salt, it does come at a heftier price tag so I would still stick to the table salt as the nutritional value is pretty much the same. However, if you do want to give it a go and happen to have enough luggage space, why not buy a bag of salt to try for yourself?  

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1KG for 20THB

Thanks for reading this entry…till next time!

24 hours in Bangkok

Our recent trip to Bangkok was definitely an eye-opener. From eating bugs in Chatuchak Market to taking  a Muay Thai class and finally calling it a day at Talad Neon at 12AM, it was a non-stop journey we would never forget!

Warning:super lengthy post up ahead!

Taking a Muay Thai Class


Muay Thai or the “Art of Eight Limbs” is often perceived as one of Thailand’s most distinctive martial arts form. The 8 limbs-or strikes were thought to have originated from the Sukhothai Era: spanning from the 12th century – 14th century.

People usually dismiss Muay Thai as a savage and ruthless sport as movies often depict bloody scenes and broken bones. The art form – just like any other concept, should not be deemed cancerous for it relies entirely on the purpose in which it is used for. In our opinion, Muay Thai is a humble sport that requires years of hard work from fighters to build strength and tenacity.

Did you know that even in Thailand, professional fighters may find it difficult to survive? Muay Thai may be their bread and butter but the income generated isn’t substantial. Many Muay Thai practitioners start training before they are even 8 years of age, competing amongst many like themselves. Some even go through grueling training in gyms away from their families in hopes of winning prize money by working their way to the top.

What were you doing at that age? It really puts everything into perspective doesn’t it?


We visited Mankong Phranai Muay Thai, located at:

0120 23/1 ซอย สาธร 1 Thung Maha Mek, Sathon, Bangkok 10120, Thailand

It’s a popular Muay Thai training ground for aficionados and amateurs alike. We came to know of this Muay Thai gym online while searching for things to do in Bangkok and took to Facebook messenger to contact the staff at the gym. Luxurious holidays may be amazing but you don’t learn much if you always stay within your comfort zone.

Getting there should have been as simple as snapping your fingers but we took 15 mins to find it because we didn’t know our way around the meandering streets. Originally, we had no idea what to expect and were a little intimidated. We had tried a Muay Thai class back in our home country so we thought we were going to be just fine. However, the level of intensity in Thailand was unlike any other. There was already a group of people training when we arrived and they all looked like seasoned fighters. While the training grounds were a little smaller than what we anticipated, it was very welcoming and clean. Bangkok is notorious for it’s relentless weather and thankfully there were fans to facilitate ventilation. Without further ado, let us share our experience at the gym!

After introducing ourselves, we were instructed to complete a 10 minute jump rope workout followed by 10 rounds of continuous sprints. As we were only used to jumping rope in short spurs, we were greatly challenged. The usual 3 minute jump rope session dragged on to 10 and it felt like an eternity of torture. Trust me, when you’re that tired your mind starts to wonder why you even started in the first place 😄 By the end of the warm up we were so exhausted we couldn’t believe it was just the beginning.


However, the fun had just begun when our instructors helped us with our hand wraps. They wound the hand wraps taut, after securing the thumb in place, they went round the knuckles. The purpose of the hand wraps is to protect against serious injury to the knuckles and prevent chaffing between the skin and the boxing gloves. Even though the instructors knew basic English, there was a bit of a language barrier and at times, we were unable to make out what the instructors were saying. Where language fails to convey a message, body gestures take over. They never once got frustrated when we did not understand what they were saying and they resorted to demonstrating the routine; given that English wasn’t their first language, we deeply appreciated their patience and effort.

We started off using the punching bags, delivering side kicks, launching uppercuts and elbow jabs. It was non-stop cardio and each cardio session lasted for a minute. At times, we were  paired up with others – one person on each side of the punching bag and we were instructed to punch the bag continuously with full force. At first, it may seem like good fun but after the  first 2 cardio sessions our minds started to blank out and we eyed the clock; eager for the session to end. When you engage in such an activity, do expect to get bruises and muscle aches. After all, if you aren’t overwhelmed by fatigue or your body isn’t riddled with black and blue spots, you aren’t pushing yourself hard enough.

Some useful tips :

  • Your feet have to be a little wider than your shoulder width. This is to ensure that you have the right balance when you strike a punch or kick your opponent.
  • When you form a fist, make sure the top of your wrist and fist is  in a straight line. If you direct your fist in the wrong angle the risk of  sustaining injuries will be higher.
  • When delivering a punch, keep your toes pointed toward your opponent. (I made the mistake of having my feet to the side) Try to keep your back heel elevated. This will help you to have better focus and to deliver a stronger blow.
  • As you strike a blow, make sure your whole body moves forward and that your shoulders align with your wrist in one swift motion.
  • Try to bend your knees a little so as to allow for slag when receiving blows.


As you can see, the instructors demonstrated how to throw a proper side jab and stressed the importance of the intensity in each blow. Being aware of your technique and stamina was extremely crucial. Each round lasts for 3 minutes during an actual fight and an instant of delayed reaction could very well cost you your life. That being said, we wish we could say we nailed it but that was hardly the case. We were really drained from all that activity causing our punches and energy levels to stagger. Each time we slowed down, the instructors encouraged us to press on. We had to keep reminding ourselves that persistence was the key to success and oh, boy. It wasn’t easy. When our punches went from hypnotic drum beats to soft  “plops” on the pads, our instructors knew it was time for a break.


Some useful tips:

  • When you launch a side kick, your whole torso has to turn and go with the flow. It must also be above the hip level (aim for your opponent’s ribs)
  • The arm on the same side in which you use your leg to kick has to withdraw so as not to get in the way.
  • When kicking, allow your body to be limp, build up momentum and straighten your leg at the last moment (It should look like a 90° angle.)
  • Your shin and hamstrings are going to ache but it will be worth it.

Each water break lasted for approximately 5 minutes where we could rest at the seats alongside the arena. Refreshments and energy drinks were also available and I’m convinced that one of the best feelings in the world would be taking the first swig of a  cold isotonic drink while overlooking the other fighters.

All in all, even though the training session was very strenuous, we really enjoyed ourselves and would encourage you to take up a Muay Thai class no matter which country you are currently residing  in. After all, what matters most is seeing that your hard work pays off when you slowly improve in technique and skill after each training session😉

muay thai

Chatuchak Weekend Market

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Chatuchak is a must-visit for every tourist in Thailand. The sheer size of the market made us wonder if we could really complete it in such a short amount of time. Just think of an outdoor mega mall where you can shop till you drop!

There’s so much to see in Chatuchak it’s hard to condense all that into one blog entry. We decided to provide you with a photo gallery because a picture speaks a thousand words. We took close to 500 photos in total and what you see here is only a fraction of what Chatuchak has to offer.

Click on each picture to find out more!

If you’re a foodie like us, you’ll absolutely adore this food mania!

We were thrilled because the food were affordable and pleasing to the palate. If you are going for a healthier option, there are plenty of stalls selling fruits and refreshing juices. If you have to watch what you eat due to religious reasons, be sure to make an inquiry before you buy it!

We actually expected to buy bags of clothes but we ended up spending all our money on food; stopping every few stalls to try what they had to offer. What you see here is about 1/4 of what we actually bought in total. If you’re headed for Chatuchak, it would be advisable to wear a cap to shield yourself from the sweltering heat.

Last but not least, after hovering around the stall for 5 minutes,we finally plucked up the courage to try bugs. The funny thing is that we find creepy crawlies repulsive and we would never have imagined eating them.

There are times in your life where you have to tell yourself to “JUST DO IT.” This is one of them! That’s because the more you think, the worse it becomes and your fear grows.


We wanted to persuade the vendor to sell us 2 bugs but he laughed at us and said they were sold by the bag. Eventually, we settled on getting a few of each bug species as opposed to a whole bag of just one bug. We didn’t ask what they were because we felt that it was better not to know. Ignorance sure is bliss!

Here we have squid, cricket/grasshopper, larvae, beetle and pupa?

It all boils down to the moment when you can finally compose yourself. Just toss the bug in your mouth and start chewing! Wash it down with beer if you must. I started off with this larvae looking bug and surprisingly, it didn’t taste as bad as I thought it would be. Of course, it all depends on the individual’s comfort levels.

Personally, I would advise first timers to start off with the larvae looking bugs as they taste like savoury chips. I know it sounds really weird and some of you may still be really grossed out, but once you’ve tried one, the aversion dissipates. The larvae tasted like salty burnt mushroom chips.

I didn’t really enjoy the cricket/grasshopper and beetle. I can’t really tell what they are because they had been roasted and they were of various hues of brown. They had a sharp minty taste but they tasted a little nutty. I guess that’s because for the 2 species, they were cooked with less flavouring, thus preserving their original taste. It was definitely an experience we would try again!


Erawan Museum


There’s just something about stained glasses that lures me in like a bug to the light. I  just knew I had to pay a visit to Erawan Musuem. The intricacies of the structure was enough to put me in a reverie; from the carvings of the pillars to the stairways and walls, the amount of detail was breathtaking. There is still a price discrimination on tourists and I was originally a little daunted by the high admission price of 400 THB.  I was prepared for disappointment because I felt that the museum was a little out of the way and thought that it was just another overrated tourist attraction. Much to my surprise, this museum was a manifestation of religious plurality unlike any other. After venturing into the museum, it’s safe to say that the experience did exceed my expectations and I would definitely go back one day.

An enchanted garden surrounds the brick red Erawan Museum and you can easily spend 2 hours there. They feature sculptures of celestial beings and even mermaid elephants! Based on the Buddhist belief, Erawan Museum represents 3 realms of existence-the underworld, the human realm and the celestial realm. In addition, the winding staircases in the human realm were embellished with ornate fragments of porcelain bits. Please be reminded not to take pictures of the Buddha sculptures encased in glass in the celestial realm! Visitors may also be directed to a changing room where free robes are provided for visitors that may not be appropriately dressed.

Click on the images to expand it!

If you aren’t dressed in appropriate attire, you will be asked to change into something more respectful. Shoes have to be left outside the museum .

It’s no doubt that the museum is a beautiful place to introspect with educational information of religious fusion. With Hindu, Christian and Buddhist influences; in a world where humans sew discord due to their differences, this museum reunites them in religious harmony.




Talad Neon is the newest night market in Bangkok and we felt that some late night shopping and supper would be good to end off the night. This hipster night market caters to the younger generation, providing visitors with Instagrammable backgrounds and live music performances. Talad Neon also offers carnival games so you can try your hand at winning prizes!

Click on the pictures below to expand it !

Just like any other night market, Talad Neon sells food, clothes, bags and accessories too. There are seats around the entire market so visitors can rest their weary legs. It’s hard to get lost in this market because it’s just so organized! As Talad Neon is operated by the younger generation, there was no language barrier because they could speak English. That’s one obstacle gone! I would say that the food standard there was relatively good and worth the price.As you can see from the pictures, the vendors were willing to take photos.They were very friendly and took the time to explain their products to us.

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Even at this market, we preferred to eat rather than buy products and we landed ourselves in a chocolate store.It wasn’t just any ordinary chocolate store, it sold themed chocolates at  a super cheap price!From marvel icons, to DC superheroes and Japanese Sanrio characters,they provided a whole variety of sweet treats.If you’re a sweet tooth like us, you know which booth to go to😉

Having experienced Chatuchak, while Talad Neon is lacking a little in activity as compared to other night markets, it does have a promising future.

Our trip to Bangkok reminded us that you don’t need pricey materialistic possessions to be happy because when all is said and done,


Harry Potter Exhibition Collecting Magic : From Stamps to Wands


When was the last time you felt your heart pounding so fast you could barely focus?

When was the last time you were so ecstatic you felt light headed?

When was the last time you were so thrilled  you felt like you were soaring in the skies?

Can you remember the last time you followed your passion wholeheartedly?

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There is this sanctuary of carefree optimism and curiosity without any boundaries. Something to always look forward to, something that makes life so much more beautiful. Serene moments which make you yearn to stop time just so you could make them last forever.

These memories lock on to your heartbeat like a new favorite song you just discovered. A steady drum reverberates in you and you live in the moment. The person you once were, awaiting to unravel all the mysteries of the world. The you that believed that anything was possible; without the trepidation of falling prey to the vices of the world.

There is this kid in you that you’ve locked away for years in order to grow up and be part of society. There’s something about this side of us that will always be precious and treasured because we rarely ever feel it anymore. For many of us, it’s like it no longer exists. It may sound like a wacky topic to bring up, but don’t you think those were some of your happiest moments?

When was the last time you reconnected with the child in you?

For most of us, we haven’t the faintest idea. We’re just way too busy. After all, the Harry Potter generation has grown up.

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Don’t let the spark in you fizzle out just like that.

Yes, it’s a mad race out there- to get exceptional  grades, the best jobs, excellent  opportunities, anything that can give you a stepping stone to achieve materialistic societal success. We’ve been indoctrinated with the idea that anything unrelated to excellence is an absolute waste of time. Though these milestones are significant; at some point, you’re going to look back and think:” What am I doing with my life?” Some of us may even have an existential crisis.

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One thing I know for sure is that in your darkest hours, these memories will surface and keep you going. Not the amount of medals you’ve won, not the prestigious achievements you have accomplished, not the powerful connections you’ve made; but the memories you hold dear.

On your death bed, you probably aren’t going to look back on the time where you aced your test. You aren’t going to think of the time you scored a 92 on your mathematics test would you?

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Unfortunately, we can’t delete memories we’d rather forget at a flick of a wand, the same way we can’t stop time. Face it, everyone of us can’t own a time-turner. That’s what makes life so precious.

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Harry Potter fans no doubt miss the magic and here’s a chance for you to relive your childhood! Allow yourself to be enchanted by the Harry Potter exhibition at the Singapore Philatelic Museum. Collecting Magic: From Stamps to Wands; available until 18 June 2017. It features the memorabilia and items from private collectors that you don’t get to see elsewhere.

For Singaporeans and permanent residents, its free admission. Otherwise the admission fee would be $8 for adults and $6 for children. The exhibition is open from 10AM to 7PM any day of the week.

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them may have been a box office phenomenon, but the magic started way back when the Harry Potter series captured our young hearts.The very first Harry Potter movie – Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was released on November 16, 2001. Can you believe it’s been 16 years?

It seems like it was only yesterday that I was in awe of the mandrakes and the shifting staircases. Time flies, doesn’t it?

If you’ve read the books, you’ll understand how spellbinding it must have been for the children who watched it for the very first time. While the books transported us to the magical realm, the movies actualized our imagination. The CG effects captivated us unlike any other movie. For many of us, it was our very first introduction to wizardry and magical creatures. Talk about 90’s nostalgia huh?


Be greeted by owls on Coleman Street



What do you do when your all time favorite movie series is over? You watch read the books and re-watch them of course!

Don’t have the time? Fret not because this exhibition will satisfy your nostalgia for Harry Potter.

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To be honest , if a whole parliament of owls were to rest atop my roof , I would freak out too. When Uncle Vernon destroyed every one of Harry’s letters from Hogwarts , the word spam was redefined when enchanted letters flooded the house. Dang, I wouldn’t want to get into trouble if I was a Hogwarts student. One foot out of line and a warning letter would be sent straight to my parents. I wish money would flood my house, don’t you?

While you’re reminiscing your childhood, go ahead and open the door. I’ve seen many people walk right past this gem. Don’t make the same mistake~

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Much like the iconic “42 Wallaby Way, Sydney”, Harry Potter’s recognizable address is

The Cupboard Under the Stairs

4 Privet Drive

Little Whinging,


This letter was the one thing that changed Harry’s life forever.  It was of significance to young Harry because it was the validation he desperately needed -the proof that his existence mattered when he didn’t quite know his worth. It was also his very first conscious contact with the magical world he belonged in.

By now, you might be wondering: “All these letters and owls are present but where’s Hedwig?” Don’t worry, they didn’t forget to include Harry’s trusty pal.

I’ve always wondered how in movies , birds are sent as messengers to deliver important documents. How does the owl know where to go? What if  confidential information lands in the wrong hands? What if by the time the letter arrives, the information is outdated or the letter is not in mint condition? I guess a magical navigation signal is embedded in the owl’s  flight GPS?

*Fun Fact*: Did you know owls can rotate their necks 270 degrees? A blood-pooling system collects blood to power their brains and eyes when neck movement cuts off circulation.

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Platform 9 3/4

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If you want to enroll in Hogwarts, make sure to board the Hogwarts Express on 1st September! The next time you head to King’s Cross station, try your muggle luck to find Platform 9 3/4! Do have an ambulance on stand-by  though,because you’ll probably suffer from a concussion after that. After all,one can only dream.

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If you aren’t someone who can produce wandless magic of extreme precision, the next stop would be to Ollivander’s. You can get your very own wand for 7 Galleons! Just kidding! Located in a little corner in the exhibition, we have a taste of the rustic store.You may fancy thinner, thicker, simple or even wands of intricate designs but do keep in mind, the wand chooses you.

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Harry Potter’s wand is 11 inches long, made of holly, with a phoenix feather as its core. The feather was donated by Fawkes, the magical familiar of Albus Dumbledore.

How ironic that the wand that chose Harry had a brother, belonging to the wizard who gave him his scar.

Dioramas featuring mythical creatures and monumental events.

We’ve all done something we aren’t proud of. Unfortunately for Ronald Weasly -It’s driving Ford Anglia without parental consent. His friendship and loyalty towards Harry shines throughout the series where he goes through thick and thin with his best buddy.


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Loyalty was also displayed in the Chamber of Secrets and is prevalent when Ford Anglia rushes to the pair’s aid when they faced threatening Acromantulas.

The Chamber of Secrets has been opened, Enemies of the Heir, beware.

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Do you have the courage to battle the Basilisk?

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 It’s mentioned in the exhibition that reticulated pythons seldom attack humans but I’d rather stay on the safe side. As you might recall, Voldemort’s familiar is a venomous viper named Nagini. The meaning of “Nagini” is half woman , half snake.

In the Goblet of Fire movie, Nagini is animated to be a Burmese Python. However in the later movies Nagini seemed more like a Reticulated Python.

In the human world, there are only 3 snakes that could even conceivably come close to growing humongous enough to eat a full grown adult: Reticulated Python, Burmese Python, and a Green Anaconda (all three of which are constrictors). None of which are venomous like Nagini. Thank you National Geographic.

To be honest, I haven’t the slightest idea what species Nagini is. It could also be the case where Nagini; made by Voldemort’s sinister faculty, grew to be a serpent unlike any other. We are diving into the magical world after all and anything is possible.

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Many have theorized that Nagini is the exact same snake that Harry had accidentally released in the very first movie.Just so we’re clear, it isn’t.

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Here’s your proof based on the movies and not the books:On Dudley’s birthday , the snake in the zoo was a Burmese python . As we all know, it was bred in captivity so some may argue that its bottled rage towards muggles was set loose when it came into contact with The Dark Lord causing it to transform into perilous Nagini. I would like to emphasize that Nagini is female and this innocent python is male. Don’t malign this well- mannered snake okay?

*Fun fact: Snakes have no eyelids so they can’t wink-based on muggle snake anatomy*

Care of Magical Creatures


Wildlife lovers would do anything to attend Hagrid’s class.

An excerpt from the book describing Hippogriffs:

“Half horse, half eagle creatures, immensely proud and extremely dangerous”

Did you know it’s possible  meet a real life Hippogriff of a different species ?

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In Uganda , Sushi demands that visitors greet him with a bow . Anyone that comes into contact with him must bow as a sign of respect before they touch him.If they fail to do so, they will  miss their chance because sushi will just fly off.This Shoebill Stork has a shocking resemblance to Buckbeak doesn’t he?

Before you fly to Uganda, you might want to know that Shoebill Storks have a height range between 110 to 140 cm.

In remembrance of Dobby


Dobby previously served the Malfoy residence before he chose to join Harry on his adventures. Right from the start, Dobby has never hesitated to help Harry no matter the consequences. From intercepting letters to defending Harry from a knife, we’ve grown to love this honorable house elf who never lost sight of what was important.

Dobby was often mistreated due to his standing on the social hierarchy. In the books, Dobby had mentioned that should Voldemort gain supremacy, house elves would be enslaved forever and be treated like vermin. Alike Harry Potter, Dobby had faced tormenting abuse and injustice throughout his life and is able to relate to Harry in many ways. His faith  in Harry has never wavered and Harry will always remain as a beacon of light.

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Dobby isn’t just a house elf . He’s an embodiment of friendship, loyalty, freedom and strength.

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It’s no wonder that we jumped for joy when Dobby was finally set free

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies…The man who never reads lives only one.”

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If you get the Monster Book of Monsters, remember to stroke it’s spine!


Hop on the Nimbus 2000

It’s perfect for Instagram shots !


There is a myriad of reasons why Quidditch was important to Harry and the most important one was probably because it was a sport that enabled him to feel connected to his dad.

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Where to next?




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Dumbledore’s Army

One reason why we love Harry Potter is because it illustrates that even when the odds are against you, as long as you keep trying, you can turn the tables around.

When you can’t learn from a teacher , you gather a group of study buddies to hone your skills. Dumbledore’s Army took matters into their own hands and we respect that because in life; how many times have we been told – ” Let the adults settle it?”

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   Fan Mail


How heart-warming it is to witness so many people who share the same love and devotion for Harry Potter.The series may have ended , but we will always treasure the memories it gave us.

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Sorry for the lengthy post .Till next time! Ciao!

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i Light Marina Bay 2017

Do you think life in Singapore is too mundane? Why not take a break and head down to the highly-raved i Light festival at Marina Bay Waterfront? It’s not everyday that we get the opportunity to bask in the splendor of the evening.


From the 3rd to 26th of March , get ready to feel like a kid again at Asia’s leading sustainable light art festival . It starts in the evening from 7.30 all the way to 11 . If you can’t make it then, it’s advisable to go on Friday and Saturday where the festival will be extended till midnight.

Fret not, admissions are free and everyone is welcome! Whether you are heading there  for the first time or you’re a seasoned attender, i Light never fails to pique our interest with their refreshing art installations. The Installations featured were created by both local and international artists , who have painstakingly created their piece from sustainable and eco-friendly materials . While many of us may feel that Singapore stifles creativity, it’s nice to see art taking the center stage in this metropolitan lion city .

Did you know that this is the 5th edition of Singapore’s light art festival? We didn’t either! We found out that it all started in 2010 and the theme for this year is :’See nature in a new light’. Each installation is allocated a number for easier reference. So are this year’s 20 installations worth your time? Come on down to Marina Bay to see for yourself!

Before I feature the various installations, I would like to bring  some tips to your attention. Download the Blippar App on Googleplay or the Apple Store for a guided experience.

Click on the images below to find out more :

To find out more about i Light , you can head down to the main webpage.

Here are some of the  main highlights we loved from the event:

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The Moonflowers were simply  bewitching in the dark Promontory . Up close, they look like white loofahs  with fairies residing in them. However you should be warned – if you choose to get a closer look, make sure the ground isn’t muddy before you step into the open field. If you can’t bear to part with it’s ethereal beauty , you can bring it home for $5 when the festival ends!

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Remember how we used to build forts as kids?  Did you feel safe  and excited inside your fort? Dande-lier gives you the same sense of nostalgia. Made of umbrellas, you now have a mesmerizing fortress that changes colour every few seconds. The web structure also has seats inside and provides a  beautiful sanctuary to rest your aching feet.

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How do we show affection to our loved ones? Do you show your love through the act of service or do you verbalize it? At the Promontory , you can find I Light you so much (made of bamboo) channeling good vibes wherever you may be. This spiky installation might look like it’s going to impale you ; but don’t worry it’s pretty harmless. Running out of pickup lines?  Why not give it a shot using this adorable label 😉

We’re no strangers to the iconic Merlion and it seems that during this festive period , even this mystical creature wants a chance to shine!

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Simplicity  is the ultimate sophistication.Home illustrates that life’s simplest pleasures are the ones that take up the most room in our hearts. This installation looks like a sketch done by a toddler that sets our busy minds at ease.

More Photos down below:


While i Light may be a fun and aesthetically pleasing event , the main message behind it   must not be forgotten . Do we engage in eco-friendly endeavors to ease our guilt of environmental degradation? Or do we do so, because we see a spark of hope in recovering the planet we live in? No matter what your beliefs are, this event gives us an insight of what we can achieve as a collective community .Either way, any efforts that go toward environmental conservation shouldn’t be taken lightly.

So what are you waiting for ? Head down to Marina Bay Waterfront before its too late 😉

Till next time! Ciao!



Explore the Great Marine

If you think March is all about i Light and nothing more, think again! Just the other day after my sis and I combed through the installations spread out around the Marina bay, we decided to pop by Marina Square for a quick wallet-friendly pick-me-up  at Mcdonald’s . Armed with an ice cream cone in one hand and an Iced Milo in the other, we walked out of Macs and were presented with a sight to behold.

It was… before our eyes… a balloon sculpture so large, it occupied the entire atrium of Marina Square. You should have seen how bright my sister’s eyes were, it’s as if they could power a house for an entire day.It’s been so long since we felt like a kid again!

Despite it being late into the night, we were surprised  there were  many children posing for photos with the balloon sculptures.So expect a cacophony of giggles , screams and delirious laughter.Unfortunately , our camera battery ran out of juice and we were forced to return the subsequent day

Expecting to face a larger crowd the next day , we were pleased to see that that wasn’t the case. Moreover, we had the opportunity to chat with the creative director of the whole affair.

She’s none other than balloon maestro…Ms Lily Tan!

Together with her team, Ms Lily sculpted the largest single sculpture made of balloons, certified by Singapore Book of Records. 

Introducing… Marty the Octopus made with over 10,000 balloons!

The whole sculpture spans over the area of the entire atrium with its tentacles. Regardless of your age, don’t be afraid to let your hair down and admire the captivating sculptures.

More photos down below.

There’s even a coloring corner for Pororo fans. If you wish to catch Pororo, be sure to be at Marina Square at these times.

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Lastly, for a chance to win $50 and $100 vouchers, feel free to take selfies and tag @marinasquaresg & hashtag #marinasquareballoons2017 for a chance to win. The contest ends on 19 March. What are you waiting for? If you suffer from FoMO (Fear of Missing Out) like me, be sure to head down to Marina Square by 19th March.

Goodbye for now and stay tuned!