The dark secret of elephant tourism


The land of smiles is no doubt a heaven for unsuspecting tourists who yearn for an inexpensive retreat. In this digital age, who wouldn’t want to document their novelty experience of riding an elephant? After all, you’d think elephants in Thailand lived in luxury, being the sacred national symbol. However, many fail to realize that domestic elephants aren’t as revered as they were thought to be in Thailand. In reality, these majestic animals are reduced to livestock – no different from cattle. They are exploited to serve as cash cows and used to fuel the tourism trade. Our trip to Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand enlightened us on what captive elephants experience and their road to sanctuary.


This lucrative industry thrives on the ignorance of tourists; many of whom are oblivious to the horrors captive elephants are forced to endure. Unfortunately, in the eyes of the trainers, these sentient beings are only viewed as a vehicle to rake in the big bucks. In order make a killing, trainers will force captive wild elephants to go through a process called the Phajaan.

The Phajaan refers to the brutal process of controlling an elephant by shattering both their spirit and their will to live. These elephants are tortured relentlessly, beaten into submission and manipulated until they can no longer be of use to their trainers. It only stops when the elephants surrender their freedom by always remaining meek and submissive to their handlers


The barbaric process begins when calves are forcefully taken from their herd. Any adult elephants that try to defend their little ones would be killed. After witnessing the deaths of their loved ones, the captive calves are often tethered in tiny pens, beaten into submission and starved until they are too weak to resist. At times, food will be placed right in front of them and every time a calf reaches its trunk out, a punishment will follow. Trainers will then employ a variety of torture instruments including sticks, bull hooks, electric devices, clubs and even sleep deprivation. The torture does not stop there. These calves will then be abused in their most sensitive areas, bringing excruciating pain to the calves’ head, mouth, ears and shoulders. This unimaginable abuse can last for days or even months until the elephant dissociates into an empty shell; surrendering to their abusers. Not all calves who undergo this cruel treatment come out alive because those who fail to yield are tortured beyond the capacity of physical tolerance. When an elephant has given up on all hope, they will let out a distinct cry and only then will the trainers know that the elephant has “broken”.

At the final stage of the Phajaan,  an elephant handler, also known as the mahout, is the very first person to give the captive elephants adequate food and water.  Mahouts do not participate in the torture of the animals and would only appear after an elephant has been “broken”. The elephants are once again emotionally manipulated to believe that the worst is over and this act of “kindness” from the mahout will lead the calves to think of them as their saviors. These highly intelligent mammals may have been “broken”, but it’s still in their nature to thrive on social bonds, often turning to their Mahouts as their “trusted connection”.

While most Mahouts seek to only exploit these animals, there are some mahouts who genuinely love and treat their elephants as family.


Mahouts often conceal the ugly truth of their activities; fooling the public with the picture-perfect portraits of an elephant family. Little do tourists know that the calves are not actually born in captivity, living alongside their mothers but rather intentionally placed with surrogate mothers as their biological mothers have not survived till this stage. These elephants are then forced to carry out unnatural, demeaning tricks like painting, circus acts and giving rides to tourists. When female elephants are of age, they will then be forced to breed specifically for the tourist industry. The moment male elephants become too frail to entertain the public, their meat is sold and their tusks are used for ivory trade. The detrimental effects of such practices form emotional and physical scars embedded in their memories forever.


Our trip to  Wildlife Friends Foundation (WFFT)  taught us valuable life lessons we wouldn’t be able to find anywhere else. We would like to thank Lily and Tess, as well as WFFT’s staff and volunteers for devoting their time to give these animals a brighter future. During our time at WFFT, we were honoured to meet Pai Lin, as well as Pin’s family and will always keep their stories in our hearts.

Pai Lin’s Story 

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Pai Lin was rescued from a trekking camp 10 years ago in 2007 and she is the oldest elephant in WFFT. Can you guess her age? This charming lady is actually  67 years old! Pai Lin has undergone the Phajaan and she feels much more comfortable with humans than with her own kind, which is uncharacteristic of wild elephants. She does not know how to socialize with other elephants mainly due to her dark past in trekking camps (whenever an elephant tries to interact with another, they would be punished severely). Thus, whenever she encounters other elephants, Pai Lin will usually run  from them to avoid  any interaction.

 Pai Lin’s body was also riddled with scars from the abuse she had sustained over the years.

  • Her leathery skin shows signs of  depigmentation around her eyes, nose, ears and shoulders. Elephants aren’t allowed to dust themselves in captivity even though they need it as a natural sun repellent because tourists would rather ride on a clean elephant. Thus she was forced to endure searing sun burns and skin damage.
  • Her flaccid ear was shredded badly, by a bull hook used by her previous owner.
  • Pai Lin was also missing a toe which was most likely detached by electrocution or a sharp tool.
  • There was a deep indentation in her spine. Although elephants may look tough,  they cannot withstand the weight of a single person as their spine would begin to cave in due to the pressure on their backs. In trekking camps, up to 2 to 6 people ride them each time as their trainers are always eager to  make the most money out of every opportunity. This causes them excruciating pain that they will not be allowed to show.

Hearing her story is one thing but seeing Pai Lin in real life – it really resonated with us how strong she is to be able to survive all these years of torment.

Little Pin and her Family 

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The biggest herd in WFFT is Little Pin’s warm family. Together with Pun(her biological mother) and her 2 adopted aunties La Ong Dao and Keaw Petch it’s playtime everyday for this jolly calf. Pin is about 2 and half years old and has been here for 2 years ever since she came in with her mum. La Ong Dao is the matriarch of the herd and while she may not be related to Pin, her strong maternal affection radiates whenever the baby is near her. Close by is Keaw Petch, another one of Pin’s adopted aunts who came from the same trekking camp as La Ong Dao. Pin’s mum, Pun, was unfortunately found in a trekking camp where she was used as a breeding elephant. 2 babies, prior to Pin were taken from Pun and sold into the  entertainment industry.

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Elephants are animals with very strong maternal instincts and they thrive on social ties. For a mother to lose her calves and to be aware of the nightmare they would soon  have to go through when they were taken from her would cause any mother to be devastated.

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Pun’s aberrant bobbing motion suggests a sign of psychosis. Having lost 2 babies and having undergone the phajaan, the trauma she had experienced takes a lasting effect on her. At times, Pun will lift one of her legs while swaying back and forth. This stereotypical behaviour is not normal in wild elephants and it may have originated form the social isolation and painful past she was forced to endure in her younger days.

Thankfully, they are all leading much better lives now. The new enclosure for Pin’s herd was completed in February and that means that the herd will have more access to the open lake and forested patches. No doubt, her aunties and mum will help Pin in her developing growth, showing her the ropes on how to live life to the fullest.

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     Photo Gallery


What can you do to help?

  • Support movements that create awareness for the conservation and protection of habitats and wildlife
  • Make a visit to a wildlife reserve to learn more about these amazing animals.
  • Refrain from feeding street elephants and going on elephant rides
  • Do not support any initiatives that promote elephant                                             Happy International Elephant Day! 



House of Wuff



Upper Thomson is well known for its grandeur of exquisite food.It’s no doubt a gastronomic heaven for foodies and cafe-goers but did you know it also hides a dog lounge?This may seem a little odd since many have not frequented the premises yet.That’s because House of Wuff opened a month ago!

Hidden in plain sight, House of Wuff  caters to dog lovers who do not have the privilege of owning their own canines.It’s easy to lose sight of what truly matters in this metropolis and sometimes,all you need is to be in the company of a 4 legged friend.House of Wuff aspires to provide dog lovers with a welcoming ambience with their pomeranians for a tranquil experience for dogs and humans alike.

Mochi Muffin Cover No Words
Mochi and Muffin~

Originally , we had a misconception that House of Wuff was a dog cafe and were surprised to find out that wasn’t the case.  We did our research and discovered that this establishment was unique because they strongly advocated animal welfare.Many organizations are so commercialized with the sole agenda of obtaining profits.However , House of Wuff operates with a cause – to spread awareness of animal abandonment issues in hopes of reducing impulsive purchases.In addition,it’s stated that they will dedicate a percentage of their profits to dog charities and shelters as such organizations have limited funds. They are also currently working alongside SOSD – a pool of volunteers devoted to rescuing, rehabilitating and finding new homes for  stray and abandoned dogs.

We tried to find out more by searching for it on Google and other social media platforms. As it was a new establishment, not many posts came up and we had no idea what to expect.Thus we were a little wary of how the experience would turn out. We did have our doubts-what if the place was overcrowded?What if the dogs only approached us when we had food ?What if the trip there was a waste of time? However, whatever apprehensions we had immediately dispersed when the poms greeted us at the door.


Tai Lee industrial building ,39 Jalan Pemimpin ,Singapore 577182.

The nearest MRT station would be Marymount station , located on the Circle(yellow) line.


Upon arriving at Marymount Station , do remember to head to Exit B. Continue walking in the direction of Raffles Institution and you’ll see a traffic light.Cross the road and walk straight ahead for approximately 3 minutes. Lastly ,Look out for  Tai Lee Industrial Building to your right.It’s the sea green building that looks like this:


For those driving:


When you’ve arrived at the location, be sure to give House of Wuff a call at  82000688!

*Fun fact: The carrying capacity of freight elevators can vary between 2000 to 4500 KG*


To operate the elevator , select the level (level 5) you wish to alight at , press and hold the “door close” button until the lift doors close completely and the lift carriage starts moving.Be patient!~The elevator is a little old so it might take some time to function.


You must be wondering why you have to give House of Wuff a call aren’t you? If you’ve noticed, the unit number of the location isn’t stated.That’s because many customers including lovebirds, friends and family members enjoy giving their loved ones surprises. House of Wuff is willing to accommodate to the surprise plans.They hope to improve customer satisfaction by keeping the actual location a secret so as not to ruin one’s anticipation.

If you’re planning a celebration for someone special but you haven’t found a venue, this could just be it! House of Wuff accommodates private party bookings, group gatherings, class reunions and company retreats. Age is just a number as both children and adults can hold their birthday parties there.This also extends to pet birthday parties! How cool is that?

In fact, the second time we went, the staff members were preparing for a an event in the evening.We were informed that a couple once booked an appointment to have a pre-wedding photo shoot with these furry hosts❤

Groups of 20 or more who host gatherings on a regular basis can also reach out to them via Facebook messaging.Be sure to enquire about their affordable rates if you have the intention of hosting at their premises!

The Dog Lounge

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Please follow the guidelines as they serve to act in the best interests of both  humans and animals present.Should  you wish to visit House of Wuff , do drop them  a facebook message because they only operate on appointment basis.They will be open from 11AM to 10PM daily but make sure to make an appointment at least a day before and ensure that you’ve received a confirmation before you head on down 😉


Staff have the right to remove customers from the premises immediately if any of the stated rules are breached . No amounts of refund will be compensated.

  • All Children under the age of 10 MUST be supervised by an adult at all times due to safety reasons.The supervising adult is required to pay for the child’s admission ticket.
  • No amount of violence(perceived or otherwise) toward the animals is to be tolerated.Examples can be(but not limited only to) kicking or punching any part of the animals,pulling of whiskers, stepping on animals,attempting to pull out fur; etc.Only staff have the right to discipline the animals in a humane way if they display signs of disobedience.
  • DO NOT INTENTIONALLY FEED animals food that is meant for human consumption.This could be detrimental for their health.
  • Do not deliberately point at the animals within their reach.They may mistake it for food.
  • Do not provoke the animals intentionally.Animal instincts can be hard to predict even though we have taken steps to ensure all dogs here have been trained to behave.
  • Do not use flash when taking pictures of/with the dogs.The flash can momentarily blind them.
  • Do not bring any animal that does not belong to you out of the premises of House of Wuff AT ALL TIMES.
  • You have to make an appointment before heading down.
  • The admission fee is $10/hr for each customer.
  • Please remove your shoes at the door.

Prior to our visit , we were under the  impression that poms were pompous tiny dogs with larger than life personalities; dogs which were ready to take on anything that came their way.We also wondered if it was due to the “Napoleon complex” they might possess. The tenacious fur balls we spun in our minds led us to expect non-stop yapping and temperamental behaviors but the moment we stepped in, they showed us how wrong  our stereotypical thoughts were. They changed our minds completely!

First time customers enjoy 50% off for their first 2 hours there when they like, tag and share House of Wuff’s Facebook post and page. Subsequent hours will cost $10 per hour for each person and if you wish to feed the doggies, each packet of kibbles is priced at $3. Make sure to do some budgeting before you go😉!

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The staff also gave us a few pointers :

  • We were reminded not to point at the dogs as they may mistake the gesture for food.
  • We also came to know that the poms were selected based on their  temperament and their ability to interact well  with humans .
  • These poms act as a voice for  less fortunate pooches who do not have the luxury of living in a comfortable environment.
  • You can bring your pets too but be sure to inform House of Wuff in advance and register them before doing so.
  • Remember to leave your shoes at the door and to remove any sharp or potentially dangerous objects from your clothing!
  • Last but not least,try to wear pants when you visit House of Wuff.


Our Experience

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Upon our arrival , we noticed that the playing area was relatively huge.Lined with air mattresses on  both sides ,the lounge provided plenty of space for the poms to frolic.The air mattresses were also very close to the ground, allowing the poms to jump up easily and for guests to interact with them better.The area was very well ventilated with both air conditioning and fans; and we all know that poms need a lot of breeze because of their extra layers!With 2 parasols adorning the walkway,the layout proves that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. The luminous glow from the hanging light bulbs provided a warm ethereal glow that radiated the yellow room – giving the vibe of a warm cozy nest on a bleak stormy day.

The poms will melt your heart with their sunny disposition and love.The 5 jolly resident hosts include Winsky, Kimmy,Marco,Muffin and Mochi. We’ll leave you to get to know them better but be warned, don’t be fooled by their sparkly almond shaped eyes.They may look very innocent but they can be feisty and mischievous too!With features similar to Arctic foxes and tails like feather dusters it’s easy to get swept away by their affection.

If the poms are chewing on their toys, be sure not to snatch it from them as they can be rather possessive over their belongings!That’s just their animal instinct kicking in.Don’t let that deter you from interacting with them as they are very sociable and affectionate.On a side note, did you know that dogs can be right-handed, left-handed and ambidextrous too?

The pomeranians were a bundle of joy and they seemed delighted to be in the environment they were in. We realized that some dog cafes do not provide dog toys because they want the dogs to focus their attention solely on the customers in order to give guests value for their money.Unlike other dog hangouts,  the dogs here were  given a lot of freedom as they were allowed on the air mattresses.There were also flavoured chew toys  to keep them occupied and to stimulate their vitality .The poms also enjoyed going for rides in the boxes and jumping into the inflated pool !


Another thing that showed us that the dogs were in good hands was how the lounge was operated. There are some places that cater to satisfying the instant gratification of customers and it’s a good thing this is not one of them.The staff allow the dogs to do as they please and to rest when they need to.There was always at least one member of staff present to ensure that everything ran smoothly ; keeping  a watchful eye on the animals and frequently asking if the customers were comfortable.Even in the guidelines given to guests upon admission, it’s clear that it was written to act in the best interests of these precious poms.

In addition,the staff also reassured us that the dogs were fed twice a day , once before opening hours and once in the evening.The poms are also fed treats at intermittent times.On average, each batch of customers will feed the dogs about 3 packets of kibbles.They also keep hydrated by drinking mineral water from their food bowls.

giphy.gifThe poms also have easy access to water and the potty area.At times, the staff would fill up a tub of plastic balls for the pooches to dive in.One of the staff members also gave us a tip: if you have a white pooch, give it boiled water to prevent tear stains~


*Fun fact: Pomeranians originated from Germany and Poland *

Lastly, we were very satisfied with the customer service at House of Wuff . The staff really made an effort to build customer relationships with their guests.Throughout our stay , they answered all our questions directly and honestly.Their responses did feel genuine and they didn’t give any misleading answers or replies they think we wanted to hear in order to boost sales.They were also mindful of our needs and our feedback was really taken into consideration.As guests, it’s nice to see  that your opinion is valued.

Moreover,each time we went there, you’d think that talking to a stranger would be a little awkward.However, that wasn’t the case at House of Wuff because the staff there were really friendly and outgoing.They shared some personal experiences and advice on how to take good care of pets and there was never a dull moment!~

We had a great experience at House of Wuff, the only downside being there is no shelter  en route from the MRT to the destination.Be sure to bring an umbrella, just in case it starts raining when you leave the MRT station.


That’s not all! From conducting Seminars to working with dog behaviorists and groomers, House of Wuff also plans to work alongside adoption houses to elevate adoption rates.They may  have just begun their journey , but it’s safe to say that it has an expandable future.

Head on down to House of Wuff to show your support😉


Little Zoo Cafe

With the emerging trend of animal cafes all over the globe, it’s no wonder why we are so fascinated with these new hideouts. Located in the north of Bangkok lies a two-storey café that houses a number of exotic animals – of which includes meerkats, foxes,  raccoons  etc. What’s better than chilling with a menagerie on a lazy afternoon? Was it worth the visit? Continue reading to find out more!



How do you get to the cafe?

We would highly recommend taking a cab to your destination as the cafe is quite a distance from the nearest train station and would only be accessible by car. A convenient taxi ride away from Mo Chit station, the cab ride cost us about 150 THB.

For those who do not know the Thai language, it would be wise to have the address in Thai as it seems that the locals are not so familiar with the English address.

The address in Thai:

55/613 หมู่9 ถนนบอนด์สตรีท ตำบลบ้านใหม่

The address in English:

Amphoe Pak Kret, Chang Wat Nonthaburi 11120, Thailand.

Some of you may be adverse to the idea of taking cabs due to the fear of being mugged or cheated.  Fret not, we are here to help. We know that in many countries the indicator is usually green but in this one, it’s red. Firstly, flag down the cab with a red “vacant” sign and before getting in the cab, ALWAYS ask the driver if the fare is charged by meter.  If the driver refuses to use a meter, the alarm bells in your brain should sound. Even if the cab fare is charged on a meter basis, who’s to say the meter wasn’t tampered with? Good thinking, how will you know? In some of the legitimate cabs, I suppose they are required to display a list of all the prices based on distance traveled or time spent on the road. Moreover, the flag down fare should always be 35 THB.

Mo chit Station is the nearest station to the cafe. You can get to Mo Chit station via the Bangkok Sky Train whereby the Day pass (most worth it for multiple trips within a day) costs 140 THB. Mo chit station is also minutes away from Chatuchak Market. Don’t be daunted by the unfamiliarity of public transport, after one trip you should be able to get the hang of it 🙂




The Café 

  • If you’re worried about the language barrier, you will be delighted to know that the staff know basic English and Thai. Additionally, we were pleased with the customer service as the staff often tried to make small talk and were very courteous.
  • Like all other cafes, please do not bring outside food and drinks.
  • Surprisingly, unlike other cafes, this café does not charge an entrance fee. It is however, a requirement for each customer to the cafe to order a meal. We have attached photos of the menu so do budget before you head down to the café.17499197_10154503029878295_8914654039941342730_n (2)
  • Upon arriving, you will be asked to change into the crocs provided before entering the cafe. You will also be asked to wash your hands at the sink to your right to maintain hygiene standards.
  • I would say that the café takes the animals’ well-being into consideration as only 6 guests are allowed to handle the meerkats in one session. Before entering the meerkat enclosure, the staff dispenses hand sanitiser to each guest. This applies to the raccoons too. It gives the animals a break away from humans if they should need it.
  • The cafe has 2 levels and 2 glass rooms – one for the meerkats and one for the foxes.
  • On a side note,  the toilet was very clean.17426277_10154503034008295_3321218568147278974_n


The Food

We know you’re super pumped to see the animals, but be patient and order food first!

It would be wise to  order food before playing with the animals to minimize the waiting time.

So what did we order?


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The Omelette with Ham was  similar to the Japanese Omurice. We were a little disappointed when the dish arrived,despite knowing that the cafe’s main focus would be the animals. Aesthetically, it was nothing spectacular as it was just a run-of-the-mill omelette rice. Honestly speaking, the omelette tasted a lot better than I expected. The first bite proved me wrong and I grew to like the creamy and milky texture. It was lightly salted but satisfying. The ham blended in perfectly as it had a very faint lingering taste that didn’t mask the enveloping egg. The semi-molten egg goes well with the rice.The dish a hearty meal that hit the right spot.



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We had high expectations for the Fish & Chips , especially since it was a safe choice.. After all, what could go wrong with Fish & Chips?

While the crispy golden brown batter looked inviting, the fish was poorly seasoned. Thankfully the fries on the side made up for the bland fish.


The Animals

We left the best for last!

 First up, the free roaming furkids!

Don’t be surprised if something brushes against your leg when you’re wolfing down your food because there are cats in the cafe that will do so.

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Dogs too!

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I’m not gonna lie, I went into this cafe expecting to get bitten or scratched as even animals are unpredictable and they have their bad days.

Strangely, they were all very docile and throughout our time there, there were no signs of aggression. Be mindful that if at any point in time you feel that they are under stress, it would be good to back away and give them some space. Similarly, when the staff tell you that your time is up, do follow their instructions.


Don’t be afraid if a mob of meerkats surround you as these little critters work as a team.


Remember to empty your pockets before you play with them! It’s their natural instinct to burrow so you may find them digging into your pockets for treasure. I forgot to take out the cash in my pocket and one of them actually scurried off with the money before getting stopped by one of the staff. My bad. While meerkats may be very good at digging, their curved claws pose no threat and you may even find it ticklish. From the gifs,  you can see them trying to dig into our camera bag and pockets. If you  use your phone to take pictures, you may even get a close up shot of their snouts!

These animals do get tired easily so if they take a nap, do not wake them up. How would you feel if someone jolts you awake from a comfy deep slumber?

I don’t know about you  but I would definitely bite them😉


*Fun fact: Meerkats are immune to the venom from snakes and scorpions*

Here are some of the other animals on the ground floor.



Don’t forget to head upstairs to see the foxes!


Foxes are often the embodiment of deception but just look at how sweet they are! When we were there, we had the opportunity to see their playful nature. Did you know you can feed the foxes? A staff member in the second glass room will hand you some treats for these 2 hyper mammals. Just stick your palm out flat and they will be drawn to you. Unlike how they are portrayed, they were surprisingly gentle and good-natured. You can’t  help but admire their beauty and wish you were as agile as them.


Don’t forget to place your hand lower for their convenience!~


*Fun fact: They  are members of the dog family with retractable claws just like cats.

Cat Dog! Only 90s kids will remember…

Prior to our cafe visit, we did consider the fact that many entrepreneurs establish animal cafes to capitalize on people looking to get the most instagrammable shots. The answer as to whether or not such cafes are ethical, is dependent on the comfort levels of the animals. Many of us will just take it at face value seeing how cute and adorable these exotic animals are.

In reality – many people would  think  “they are so cute, I want a photo/video with them to post  on social media and after that I’ll just make my way back to wherever I left off in my life.”

It did cross my mind that maybe I had a very superficial understanding of the whole situation…it was possible for the staff to put up a good act in caring for the animals.

It could have been the case where these animals had undergone inhumane treatment; some wild animals may have been defanged to make sure they wouldn’t hurt  customers. Perhaps some of them were snatched from their families when they were barely able to suckle.  For all we know, every single animal there detests humans.We realized that the cognitive dissonance between whether or not the animals’ standard of living has really improved since their arrival at the cafe versus our observations was the reason why we felt so unsure.

Truth is, we have no idea.


All we can tell you is what we observed from our experience there. We appreciate that at least one staff member was present at all times to monitor the interaction between the animals and customers.In addition , the personnel would also limit the duration of the interactions between customers and the animals to ensure that the animals would not get too stressed out.We watched the staff members craddle the animals and it’s safe to say that the  animals did seem comfortable in their care.

However, it weighed on our minds that some animals were kept in cages, and seemed to be distressed. We also felt that a few of the cages were also too small for its inhabitants.For example, using the GIF below as a reference:  We did our research and found out that raccoons were nocturnal in nature.We weren’t sure if the animals were frustrated or restless because they had just eaten.


Unable to speak Thai, it was beyond our means to enquire about the animals, where they came from and their history. The only piece of information we received was that the meerkats and foxes were about a year old.

In our opinion, it would be good if the cafe could educate the public about the  background of these animals- such as where they came from, their names and how to handle each one properly.Despite some drawbacks, we can’t be certain that our opinions are entirely right as we are just visitors and the staff should know the animals best .

Overall, we had a good experience because we felt that the animals there were treated well.The cages were also relatively clean with a sufficient supply of food and water.

Don’t just take our word for it.

Head down to the cafe to experience it for yourself!


Till next time!