Drawing Board


Tiger artwork using salt, pepper and tea leaves

In celebration of International Tiger Day, we’ve created an artwork using tea leaves, salt and pepper. With less than 3200 tigers left in the wild, these magnificent animals are disappearing fast due to extensive poaching and the loss of natural habitats.


Pangolin Artwork using pistachio shells

Pangolins are the most heavily trafficked mammals around the world. Peculiar isn’t it? With an armoured shell resembling dragon scales, you’d think pangolins were formidable creatures.
Their keratin scales, an evolutionary marvel to combat predatory advances stand defenceless against mankind. Marketed as a be-all and end-all of Chinese Medicine, pangolin scales have no medicinal value and yet remains a target to fuel baseless beliefs. While pangolin meat is consumed as bush meat in Africa, this holds contrary in China and Vietnam where pangolin meat is considered a delicacy. These shy solitary animals are poached extensively in Asia and Africa, with a pangolin death occurring every 5 minutes.
Picture a room with 10 people. What are the chances of someone in that room not knowing what a Giant Panda is? The odds are pretty low, now try asking if anyone hasn’t seen images or heard of the pangolin. Perhaps because the panda appears to be furry, cuddly and possess a mellow demeanour but despite efforts to rescue pangolins, the public still knows little about the scaly creature.
Inspired by the versatility of the pistachio shells, from diy projects to generating bio gas and bio-oil, it set us thinking about what goes into the trash bin…
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Hedgehog artwork using Spaghetti :

Hedgehogs often pique our interest because we are in awe of just how adorable they look. However, although many of them are domesticated and well taken care of , their greatest asset can also be their greatest curse. They are still sold as pets to buyers who just want them because they are cute without caring about the welfare of the animal . In some cases , hedgehogs are also eaten because their spines are not poisonous unlike the quills of a porcupine .As a result , they are easier to catch .

Crocodile artwork made using Nacho chips.

This artwork was inspired by Dundee, a resident crocodile we saw at the Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand.

While many of us may perceive these reptiles as fearsome and merciless creatures, these animals are often misunderstood. We often have the impression that such reptiles are incapable of affection and are out to get us as depicted in many media sources. These sentient beings are hunted for sport, butchered for their meat and slaughtered for their leather; in some cases kept as pets until they are no longer docile.


This was the case with Dundee, a salt water crocodile which was kept as a pet in living quarters much smaller than required. It was rescued on the 1st of May 2003, at about 8 years of age.


There are many animals like this one, which were kept as pets or used for commercial purposes to fuel man’s greed. They have suffered traumatic physical and mental abuse till death sets them free.


At the rate the earth is crumbling, we will all lead to our own self destruction sooner or later.


Deer Artwork using grape stems.

Deer conservation efforts have been increasing due to the dip in the deer population.Hunting activities and the loss of their natural habitat makes it harder for these animals to survive.

Our emblem

Panthera onca